Monday, April 26, 2010

New Blog!

So, I'm jumping on the blog band wagon... or what ever the phrase is. I don't really know what I'm supposed to include in these things, so I'll just give ya'll an update on my life. I'm currently in the Spring musical here at Western, The Music Man. It's been quite an experience! There has been a lot of ups and downs, but it's been an overall rewarding adventure. Closing night is this weekend, and I'm pretty excited to have a break from everything. I'm also competing in the Miss Wyoming Scholarship Pageant on June 5th. That is keeping me incredibly busy. Who knew how much work was involved in these things? ...well I did, but still, I've been going a little crazy trying to get everything done in time. There is about a month until the pageant, so I'll keep you updated on how everything turns out. Well, this is rather short, but I'm still getting used to this blog thing, so I hope you'll forgive me. I hope you all are having a wonderful springtime and enjoying the good weather. Until next time!

Tamera Marie